

Welcome to Ocean Asia Limited…  

OCEAN ASIA LIMITED is the largest shipping company In Bangladesh. The company obtained ISO certified in 2008 for  Shipping Agency, Logistics and Survey  services in Chittagong and Mongla Ports, Bangladesh. We ensure comprehensive and cost-effective maritime services in the PORT AGENCY, cargo and bunker survey, CREW CHANGE, customs clearance of SHIP  SPARE parts,  container unloading & condition survey, Husbanding Agency confirming 24/7 availability for professional service. We are providing service in Chittagong port, Mongla port, Payra, Matarbari port, Outer Anchorage, Kutubdia, Harbaria anchorage & Heron Point. We already handle dry bulk, container, mother tanker, Oil Tanker, tug, barges, survey vessel, dredger, floating crane, self-propelled flat barges etc.  


Agency Service

OCEAN ASIA LIMITED is Enlisted for at Maritime Port of Chittagong, Mongla & Payra, acts as a Ship Agent for all types of vessels calling to any Bangladeshi ports, for loading and....

Owners Protective Agency / Husbandry Service

OCEAN ASIA LIMITED acts as protective agent for each ship owners. Through protecting the interests of our principals ...

Crew Change

Due to COVID-19 pandemic crew change is not permitted in most of the ports in the World. Bangladesh Govt. of has relaxed rules and procedures for seafarers joining ..

Spare Parts

OCEAN ASIA LIMITED is registered with joint-stock companies and enlisted with customs and Port Authority. Being clearing agents we are able to clear SPARE PARTS from ...

Pilotage Service

OCEAN ASIA LIMITED provides pilotage services to all foreign flag vessels from KUTUBDIA (OPL) to OUTER ANCHORAGE, and during her CARGO DISCHARGING ...

Marine Servey

OCEAN ASIA LIMITED are in a position to offer our professional services to carry out Load Draft Survey, ROB Draft Survey, Light Draft Survey, On Hire Bunker Survey....

Cargo Discharge Supervision

OCEAN ASIA LIMITED are regularly appointed by various shipowners to carry out CHECK TALLY & DISCHARGE SUPERVISION. We recommend strong check tally ...

Crew Medical Services

OCEAN ASIA LIMITED also acts as shipping agents for the leading Medical Assistance Principals. Our excellent local knowledge and relations with local authorities.....


We OCEAN ASIA LIMITED providing all sorts of supply to ocean going vessel which call at Chittagong and Mongla port. We Provide Extensive Range of Marine Equipment...

For further information please don’t hesitate to reach us 24/7 @ +88-01979-107091-3, or e-mail us at info@oceanasiabd.com; pilotage@oceanasiabd.com